Nursing Excellence Award
Recognizing that 2020 has been proclaimed “Year of the Nurse” by the World Health Organization, we created the Nursing Excellence Award to honor the critical role nurses have played in treating patients throughout the COVID pandemic. The award program was open to qualifying RNs and LPNs working in a direct patient care position who consistently demonstrate characteristics synonymous with nursing excellence.
The winner for 2020 will be announced on Thursday, October 29, 2020.
2020 Nominees
We congratulate all of those members of our nursing team that received nominations for the award. They include:
Marlaine Keller, RN
Stacey Carlson, RN
Ciara Marrero, RN
Nick Madonna, RN
Catherine Quadir, RN
Chad Clark, RN
Dawn Shortt, RN
Danielle Wright, RN
Lindsay Bush, LPN
Susan Hafner, LPN
Marie Reners, RN
Juliana Lachance, RN
Kristen O'Grady, RN
Maralee LeBlanc, RN
Debbie Wilkie, RN
Pauline Byers, LPN
Kerian RN, BSN
Kevin Hill, RN
Earl Richards, RN